

What is Ayumi Association?

Ayumi Association is a town council of Tsukizaki where Ichihara Quard’s Forest is located. On the basis of official manager system of the city the management of Ichihara Citizens’ Forest  has been entrusted to the association since April 1, 2006.

Message from the President of Ayumi Association


Ayumi Association is a group of “paddy field agriculture” which is centered on the people living in Tsukizaki. We love  nature, woodlands, countryside and our mission is safe rice farming.

This forest is a place where we used to play as a children, so it is close to our hearts. Now a lot of people outside of our city are coming and enjoying this forest. We, Ayumi Association, are protecting the forest while growing rice in paddies around it.

For Ayumi Association this forest is a local, natural treasure of Tsukizaki. We wish to continue our work to let more people enjoy this beautiful place and oasis of relax.

I sincerely thank youth people for their cooperation in forest`s administration business for the first time.

P.S. We are waiting for your comments and suggestions to make even a small trip to forest an unforgettable experience with many memories left.


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